The body has the ability to heal once triggers are removed, the correct nutrients are provided, and the energetic system & mind are in balance.
Naturopathic doctors (NDs) are trained as primary care healthcare professionals who treat both acute and chronic conditions, while addressing disease and dysfunction at the level of body, mind and spirit.
NDs concentrate on whole patient wellness through health promotion and disease prevention, while addressing the underlying cause of the patient’s condition.
Naturopathic physicians care for patients of all ages and genders, and practice in settings ranging from private clinics to integrative medical centers, urgent care clinics and hospitals. NDs are clinicians, authors, scholars, researchers and entrepreneurs, and are increasingly in demand across numerous industries.
They provide individualized, evidence-informed therapies that balance the least harmful and most effective approaches in order to help facilitate the body’s inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health.
Offered at Accel
Dr. Shauna Fraser has a focus in Injection Therapy for pain management, IV Therapies and Clinical Naturopathic treatments which include Lab testing and Nutrition & Lifestyle.
A first consultation begins with the patient filing out a health history questionnaire. This gives the ND time to review one’s case prior to their appointment ensuring the best care possible. At the appointment, more information is gathered around each main health concern until the most likely cause is identified. Often private, in-house testing along with indicated physical exams are completed. Diet plans and treatment programs are put together based on the ND's best clinical judgement.
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